What You'll Learn

  So How Do Power Couples Bank Together?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  You NEED To Restructure Your Bank Accounts, Here’s Why.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How Power Couples Bank Together
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Privacy v. Transparency: Striking the Right Balance in Banking
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Making a Decision: Joint, Separate or Hybrid?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Get This Sh*t Done
Available in days
days after you enroll

    What's Included

  • ✓ Detailed Breakdown Of Your Banking Options
  • ✓ Explanation Of Your New Legal Status: Married
  • ✓ Tips From Vetted Lawyers, Financial Advisors & Therapists
  • ✓ Proven Techniques To Manage Tough Convos
  • ✓ Downloadable Guides & Interactive Exercises
  • ✓ Access To Members Only Community Of Like-Minded Couples
  • ✓ Live Q&A With Our Founders (Ask Us Anything!)
  • ✓ Invite your S.O. to join by sending them a not so subtle, hinty love note.

  • Limited Edition Box Of Goodies, Mailed To You!*

    *ships only within the U.S. and while supplies last*

    Limited Time Offer!

    This expert strategy session is dropping soon.

    Making It Easier Than Ever To
    Get. Sh*t. Done.

    ClockOn Demand, On The Go Audio
    Clock 15-20 Minutes A Day For 5 Days
    Download Interactive Downloads & Exercises

    Start On Monday, Be Done By Friday!

    Casey Rose Shevin

    Meet Your Host

    Casey Rose Shevin, Co-Founder

    Casey is a family law attorney, mediator, innovator, working mom and true romantic. After spending years working with divorce clients, she's learned how to have tough conversations and she knows a thing or two about what makes couples succeed. Casey and her husband Andy have been together for 15 years, and live in Greater Boston with their son. 

    Light Bulb Rocket

    The Takeaway

    Getting married means sharing your money with your spouse. And when you’re used to managing your own money, even the thought of sharing it with someone else can be confusing, stressful -- even scary. Banking with your spouse doesn’t have to mean entering into a world of conflict. Power couples bank together in a way that allows them independence while operating as a team.

    We're family law attorneys, which means we've seen how successful (and unsuccessful) couples tackle banking together -- we've seen what works, and what doesn't work. In this course we will walk you through a variety of banking options, allowing you to pick the one that works best for you and your spouse. You’ll leave with confidence and step-by-step instructions.

    Lightning Bolt

    Why You Need This Now

    Because you know you've thought about at least one of these before.

    And no...we aren't mind readers...just experts.

    Piggy Bank

    Combining our bank accounts.

    Should we have joint bank accounts? Separate? How do other people do it?

    Couple having Coffee

    Having the tough conversations.

    Every time we set a budget my partner just blows right through it, and if we try to talk about it, it turns into a fight. 

    Notebook with list

    The daunting to-do list.

    There are so many logistics to setting up our bank accounts and merging our finances. I'm so overwhelmed!

    Teams that win have strategies.

    Marriage Statistics

    A quick look at your expert strategy sesh.

    Let's Get This Sh*t Done!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When do classes start?

    Our first course,"How Power Couples Bank Together" will be released in February 2020! Once released, you can access this self-paced course anytime, anywhere.

    Who should take this course?

    If you are in a serious relationship, engaged, newly married, or married for some time, this course is for you. If you are curious about different ways to structure your finances, and looking for expert advice and step-by-step action plans to implement your goals, this course is for you.

    How much time do I need to complete this?

    This course is designed with your busy lives in mind. The audio course is built so you can listen on the go. You can complete this course by spending as little as 15-20 minutes a day for 5 days (think Monday through Friday, and You. Are. Done.)

    How is this financial course different than other ones out there?

    As former divorce attorneys we understand why some marriages fail, and others succeed. We have unique knowledge and experience that touches on financial, legal and emotional aspects of becoming a financial team when you get married. Plus, we've built a network of professional experts (think attorneys, financial advisors, therapists and more), who you will hear from throughout our courses and who we can easily connect you with for even more customized guidance.

    What is your refund policy?

    We do not offer refunds. Please read through the course description carefully to make sure this is something you are interested in learning about.

    If I have questions about your product, who should I contact?

    Email us at [email protected]